Skateboarding has played a pivotal role in shaping both my personal and professional journey. It goes far beyond mere lists of tricks or fashion choices; it has taught me to view the world through a different lens and use that perspective to create something entirely new.

Enter “Daedalus,” a remarkable short film featuring the adidas Latin America skateboarding team. Together, we embark on a thrilling exploration of the urban mazes that cities present to skaters. The film’s aesthetics are simply breathtaking, capturing the essence of the skateboarding experience.

We premiered “Daedalus” on Thrasher Magazine’s channels, captivating audiences worldwide. But that’s not all. We also surprised the bustling streets of Sao Paulo by unleashing a massive video mapping on its main avenue. It was an awe-inspiring celebration of what skaters do best: the ability to create, transform, and subvert the urban landscape.

Delve into the realm of possibilities, where skateboarding becomes a powerful tool for self-expression and urban exploration.

  • adidas: Ruth Sieve & Nico Braun
  • Agency: Vista & Santa Transmedia
  • Director: Leo Coutinho